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Interview Questions Writing Skills Maharashtra State Board 2022

Written by Sachin Raut

Dear Students, Interview Questionnaire is an activity to asks you to write interview questions for 4 Marks in your writing skills section of the activity sheet. It is a simple, easy activity that gives you full marks in your Maharashtra State Board exam.

How to ask questions is an art. When we take an interview that time we must consider the actual format of the interview questions.

First of all, we must know the question sentence structure. There are two forms of asking questions 1st the Wh-words Question and 2nd is Verbal type or yes/No type Question.

Wh-words Question:

  • A sentence that begins with wh-words and ends with a question mark(?).
  • By the sentence, we ask for the information in detail its called the wh-words question sentence.

Formula of Wh-words Question sentence:

  • Wh-words + auxiliary verb + subject + verb + object + ?

Verbal type or yes/No type Question:

  • A sentence that begins with an auxiliary verb/ modal auxiliary verb and ends with a question mark (?).
  • By the question sentence we get an answer either in Yes or NO form it’s called Verbal type or yes/No type Question

The formula of Verbal type or yes/No type Question

  • Auxiliary verb/ modal auxiliary verb + subject + verb + object + ?

While writing interview questions we should consider the following points:

  • Future plans
  • Inspiration
  • Overcoming hurdles/struggles
  • Coach/ mentor/ guide/ teacher
  • Message for the youngsters
  • Family support
  • Alternate career choice
  • First or maiden award/ achievement /success /setbacks
  • The turning point in life/ success formula/technique

Section of the interview Aspects to be covered

  • Introduction Welcoming/Greeting, Introduction of the guest/Occasion
  • Opening questions
  • Main body
  • Concluding questions
  • Summing up Concluding statement, Expressing gratitude.
  • You can add your points.


  1. You are a class representative and you are assigned by the principal of your college, to conduct an interview of a leading personality in a particular field. You have to conduct the interview with the help of the points provided above. 

Welcome sir, to our college. First of all congratulation on your grand success.

Let’s start the interview

  1. What is your education?
  2. Where did you learn?
  3. When did you decide that you want to become IAS Officer?
  4. How do you feel now being IAS Officer?
  5. Who is your inspiration?
  6. How many hours did you study in a day?
  7. How many attempts did you face to crack the Civil Services?
  8. Did your family support you?
  9. What is the nature of the UPSC exam?
  10. What message will you give to the aspirant?

Thank you, sir, for giving us such valuable time. We are inspired by your success story.

2. Framing Interview Questions: Imagine that you are a representative of your college. You want to publish an interview with a social worker in the college magazine. Prepare questions to take his interview. (Eight to ten questions) 

Welcome sir to our college, we are so lucky that have with you such a great social worker who helps so many people.

  1. Where did you take your education?
  2. What is your aim in your life?
  3. How did you enter such social work?
  4. Who is your inspiration?
  5. What types of social work do you do?
  6. How difficulties do you face in social work?
  7. What is your experience with social work?
  8. Do you enjoy working as a social worker?
  9. Is the government giving any funds to carry out social activities?
  10. How many are the volunteers in your group?
  11. What message will you give to net generation?

Thank sir for the interview. We will definitely be inspired by your work and make sure will also work with you.

3. From your village, a teacher from Zilla Parishad school, has been awarded with a global teacher award. Suppose you have given a chance to take the interview of him. Prepare a set of 8 to 10 interview questions which can be asked to the global award winner teacher. Use the following points. 

• Teaching methods. 

• Innovative ideas in the teaching field. 

• Responses of students. 

• Dedication and nature of the award. 

• Inspiring message to the students and teachers. 

 Welcome sir to our studio.

 Congratulation on your grand success as the global award winner teacher.

  1. What is your educational qualification?
  2. Where did you study?
  3. Why did you want to be a teacher?
  4. When did you receive such an award?
  5. What do you feel now being the global award winner teacher?
  6. What teaching are teaching methods that you use?
  7. What innovative ideas do you use in teaching? 
  8. How students do respond in your classroom?
  9. To whom do you dedicate such a prestigious award?
  10. What is the message to the students and teachers?

Thank you, sir, once again congratulate you on your grand success.

  • This interview activity recently came in the HSC board exam March / May 2022

4. Imagine that you have met with the topper in M.P.S.C. Examination. You wish to interview of him/her to know his/her journey of success. Prepare a set of 8 to 10 questions to be asked.

Congratulations Madam, for your grand success that you stand the topper in M.P.S.C. Examination. I want to know your journey of success. May I ask a few questions?

  1. Where did you take your education?
  2. What is your qualification?
  3. When did you decide to be a Civil Servant?
  4. Did your family support you in your career?
  5. What strategies did you use to crack the Examination?
  6. How many hours did you study in a day?
  7. What is the nature of the M.P.S.C. exam?
  8. What reference books did you use?
  9. How do you feel now being the topper in M.P.S.C. Examination?
  10. To whom will you give the credit for your success?
  11. What is your message to the aspirant?

Thank you, Madam, for the valuable time you gave me. I am really inspired by your success story.

In this way, in the Board examination, the situation will be given and we have to ask the interview questions to the great personalities.

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About the author

Sachin Raut


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