Hello! Dear students now your board examination is coming soon and it is a turning point in your career but still haven’t you prepared for the board exam. Don’t worry here you will get all the important tips and tricks related to preparation for the board examination. First of all, you may consider that it is the exam that will be conducted through the board center so you must have an idea about the structure of the board exam pattern, nature of the exam, question paper pattern, prescribed syllabus, time schedule, terms and conditions of the board exam, etc. so, you may have a clear idea about the board. Board examination is the system that conducts your exam, does paper assessment, and releases the results in time. Whatever has been taught on the prescribed syllabus in your academic year at school and junior college level that will be assessed by conducting the board exam. The board exam will assess only your academic performance. It means school and junior college only teach you the prescribed syllabus and the board conducts the exam.
Students have always questions about how I will get good marks or good scores in exams, how I get 99%, how to study, which are the important things for the preparation of the board exam etc. Dear students don’t get tension; here are some tips and tricks which are beneficial to get good marks in your board exam.
Go through the syllabus:
The first thing students know about the prescribed syllabus of your 10th and 12th class. Students may know about what are the lessons, topics, chapters, and content in the prescribed syllabus and curriculum. You will find the exact study material for the study. If we go through the Syllabus students will learn deeply in each subject and lesson.
Make your study plan:
A study plan is a thing that plays a vital role in our examination so, students make their study plan. In it, we sort out the most important points, marks weightage on a particular lesson or point, Which are easy and difficult points, marking scheme and do your study accordingly study plan.
Study Schedule and time management :
Make a study schedule and do your study accordingly to the schedule. It will definitely benefit you to cover all topics in the syllabus and get more time for study.
For time management, prepare a particular timetable of your study for each subject and give equal time to each subject. It will help to complete all studies of each subject. By time table, you will give justice to each subject and at the exam, you will find that you will have been covered all subjects and their topics on the time.
Prepare notes on topics:
While studying, you must prepare notes on topics as your own. At the exam, you just go through the notes that you have prepared. Definitely, it will help you to remember all topics during the exam because you have prepared the notes in your own words.
Question paper pattern:
You may understand what is question paper pattern or structure and do your preparation accordingly question paper pattern. If you have a clear idea about question paper structure, you will come to know about what types of questions will come and the marking scheme of each subject that time you will understand how much write on each question. You will find how the nature of the questions is and prepare such types of questions on each topic.
Practice sample paper and previous paper:
Solve some sample papers and previous papers. It is said that Practice makes a man perfect, so as you go through by solving sample paper and previous paper, you will see about your score, time management, your mistakes, right answers, etc.
Find your strength as well as weakness:
Through the strength, you will realize your strong points in your study and go through your strong points to get good marks in your examination. If you focus on your strong points, you will do the best in your examination. You also come to know about your weakness and once you find your weakness in study, you have to pay more attention to your weak points and make such weak points strong. While studying, you will understand your weak subject or topics, and at that time you may study more hard on particular topics, on which you want to overcome and get good marks in the exam.
Revision :
It is the most important point in your study plan. It will be the final touch to your study so, give revision of each topic. If you do revise studied topics, it will help to memories whatever topics you have covered.
Stay healthy :
During the study and the examination, you must be physically fit because, if you will be healthy, definitely you will study properly and give the exam happily. For staying healthy, you may follow the given points.
- Take a healthy food
- Drink enough water as the body require
- Have good diet
- Eat fruits in your meal
- Do a body checkup
- Don’t be get depressed
- Get a good sleep at night
- Don’t awake late at night
- Stay stress-free
- Wake up early and do some exercise
- Do meditation
You may also learn about: Preparation of English Subject Class 10th S.S.C.
Very helpful to students. Great
Thank you very much sir for the proper guidance for the board exam

Very helpful tips,
Thank you sir
Great article sirji… It will definitely helpful to SSC cadet.. great job.

Very helpful tips
Thanku sir
Thanks sir very helpful guidance for the exam
Great information for student Thanks sirji .
Excellent Sir……….

Really very important and helpful information on board exams. Thank u so much Sir….
Very very useful
Nice information for academic purposes.
Nice information sir
Thanks sir