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The Art of Compering 12th HSC Board Writing Skills

The Art of Compering 12th HSC Board Writing Skills
Written by Sachin Raut

The Art of Compering 12th HSC Board Writing Skills

Dear students, this writing skills “The Art of Compering” is going to be ask in your 12th (HSC) board exam under the Section – III, Q. 4 (C) for 4 marks. This activity of writing skills is important for your exam purpose.

You have to go through this article and find what is “The Art of Compering and how to write it in easy way.

The Art of Compering:- 12th HSC Board Writing Skills

The person who comperes a show, introduces the programme and the participants, is called as the master of ceremonies, abbreviated as MC or emcee, or the Compere, anchor, announcer, and microphone controller. He is mediator, announcer and coordinator of the event. ‘The Master of Ceremonies’ is an apt description of the anchor as he/ she is the formal host and the felicitator of the event. There can be a wide range of events – right from highly formal ones like seminars or conferences to informal ones like annual gatherings, fresher’s parties or weddings.

The role of an emcee is to warm of the crowd and give them an idea about the programme ahead. He/She is there to glorify the performance of all the performers with his/her appropriate, positive comments and appreciation, and hence it is his unsaid role, to ensure enthusiasm among the viewers with active response in the form of an applause. He has to make sure that there are smooth transitions between different segments of the programme. In fact he has to master the skill of stringing/weaving the whole event in one artistic thread. At the same time, should there be any hiccups, the emcee still has to ensure the smooth movement of the programme. Ultimately his/her presence on the stage should exhibit spontaneity, originality and genuineness. The words of the speaker should choreograph his/her body language to carry him/her through the programme with ease, grace, elegance and confidence.

Now that we have ascertained what the role of an emcee is, here are some


1. Practise Practise Practise. (better in front of the mirror.)

2. Be well prepared and word perfect to innovate or add spontaneous expressions confidently on stage.

3. Develop a ‘script’.

4. Dress up appropriately for the event.

5. Remember that you are not the star of the show but introduce yourself.

6. Breathe steadily and deeply.

7. Address the audience with a smile, suitable expressions, voice modulations and maintain eye contact.

8. Bring pace to your delivery.

9. Control the timing of the proceedings.

10. Apologize, should there be a major flaw, mistake or mishap.

Prerequisites of Compering

(i) Compering requires language fluency, clarity of thoughts and confidence.

(ii) A basic understanding of the nature and tone of the event is a must.

(iii) A simple but dignified style with words that come from the heart.

 (iv) Ability to deal / work with the technicians, event organisers, guest speakers. It is a part of his duty or profession.


While anchoring, the most crucial thing is to keep the audience engaged. Fillers are small performances / enactments to keep the audience entertained and attentive. The role of a filler can also be that of providing comic relief between two performances. They are usually required when the schedule of the programme is delayed or disturbed for some reason. One can choose from multiple types of fillers such as, mimicry items, riddles, anecdotes, fun-facts, jokes, recitation or a small performances to suit the event.

The compere should keep the fillers ready beforehand in the same way that he/she keeps the script ready. One must keep in mind that fillers are very important, as they bind the program and maintain it’s continuity.

A sample compering script : 12th HSC Board Writing Skills

Introduction –

Good evening ladies and gentlemen. I extend a very warm and heartfelt welcome to you, on behalf of our college.

Today we have organised an evening of song, dance and pageantry for you, giving you a quick, exotic taste of India.

We welcome you in our midst in the traditional Indian way, with Kumkum tilak on the forehead. It is ‘red’ to signify the auspicious occasion the ‘aarti’ to remove the evil eye with sacred fire and the trumpet, signalling the beginning of the function.

Lighting of the lamp –

I call upon our chairperson Ms. ………… to light the lamp to signify the opening of our event.

About the event –

Our country India, is historically ancient, spiritually deep, geographically vast and culturally rich. She has traditions, customs and mores which are thousands of years old. Though making fast progress in the 21st century, her music, dance, drama and languages survive and renew themselves continuously through the ages.

We offer you this evening, a tantalising glimpse of Indian culture. We shall try to take you to the various corners of India and introduce you to the different folk dances hailing from these places, unerringly depicting the geography, history and character of its people.

The enduring Legend of Lord Krishna and his beloved Radha is embodied in the folk dance we are about to present to you – The Lavani. The word Lavani comes from the word ‘ Lavanya ‘ which means unearthly beauty. It is the best loved and very popular folk performance, originating in our very own state of Maharashtra. It consists of a range of romantic songs in Marathi. The Lavani like all folk forms has evolved and changed through the ages. Initially the Lavani was performed in a ‘Baithak’ or sitting position accompanied by ‘adakari’ or skillful and subtle facial expressions and gestures. The Lavani then evolved to become the ‘Khadi’ Lavani or the Lavani performed in a standing position, whereby the performer not only sings but dances along with the song. The songs are supposedly sung by gopis or milkmaids who epitomize bhakti or devotion to Lord Krishna or the Lord of love. The songs are a celebration of the love between Lord Krishna and Radha and depict the playful aspects of their relationship. The Lavani embodies the ‘ Shringar Rasa’. ‘Shringar’ means decorating and dressing up and ‘rasa’ is the mood that is created.

Entry 1 : Let’s get into the mood and enjoy the scintillating Lavani performance! Now put your hands together for a round of applause for this wonderful performance.

Entry 2 : Nagaland is one of the culturally rich North Eastern states of India. The Jhelian bamboo Naga dance hails from this state. That was an awesome performance.

Entry 3 :

Jhelian means butterfly. The dance attempts to imitate the movements of the butterfly and the dancers wear clothes as colourful as a butterfly’s wings. Their movements too are as delicate and graceful as a butterfly’s. The dancers wear costumes made of rabbit skin, deer and other animals. The special attraction of this dance is that, the dancers jump on bamboos as they dance with great energy and stamina. Give them a huge round of applause.

Entry 4 :

Let’s now welcome our vibrant North-Eastern dancers for another captivating performance! Sambhalpuri is a small district of the state of Orissa which lies to the South- Eastern part of India. It is rich in ancient Indian arts and crafts. This tiny district is famous

for its handlooms and weaves. The Sambhalpuri dance is, like many other folk dances a harvest dance, a celebration dance. The hay surrounding the area where the dance is to be performed, is set on fire and in this firelight the native folk celebrate a good harvest.

Let’s get into the celebratory mode to rejoice a bountiful harvest!

Entry 5 : Closing address

We were transported into the world of folk, the natural spring of the human heart. As we come to the end of this beautiful, colourful evening, let us carry with us memories of a time well spent.

Entry 6 : Vote of thanks

No programme would be a success without a dedicated team of people who work

tirelessly behind the scenes. I take this opportunity to thank each and every member of the organizing team for putting up this brilliant show and transporting us to the plentiful fields of India. We are extremely grateful to our guests for their gracious presence. I would also like to take this opportunity to thank the choreographers, set designers, light operators as well as technical support team without whom this programme would not have been possible. Last, but not the least, Thank you audience for being so supportive and responsive.

Activity will be ask on the art of compering in the HSC board it is as follow:

  • Imagine that you are a compere of a ‘Prize Distribution Ceremony’ of your college. Write a script of the same.
  • You can take help of the following points.

1. Introduction – A brief introduction of the programme / function / show.

2. Welcome speech – Welcome of all guests.

Felicitation – felicitation of the guests (the principal, vice principal etc.)

3. Lighting the lamp

4. Welcome song

5. Main events

6. Vote of thanks

You may learn about the other writing skills

Drafting a Virtual Message

About the author

Sachin Raut

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