English Grammar Language Skills Materials Trendy Writing

12th HSC Unit Test 2 English Model Question Paper Maharashtra State Board

Written by Sachin Raut

Unit Test 2 12th HSC

Std:12th                                       Sub: English                                                        Marks:25

Section I Prose Unit Test 2 12th HSC

Q.1. Read the extract and complete the activities given below.                                                                (10 Marks)

        At a corner of Sixth Avenue electric lights and cunningly displayed wares behind plateglass made a shop window attractive. Soapy took a stone and dashed it through the glass. People came running round the corner, a policeman in the lead. Soapy stood still with his hands in his pockets, and smiled at the sight of brass buttons.

“Where’s the man that done that?” inquired the officer agitatedly.

“Don’t you think that I might have had something to do with it?” said Soapy, with a friendly voice, as one greets good fortune.

        The policeman refused to accept Soapy even as a clue. Men who smash windows do not remain to chat with the police. They take to their heels. The policeman saw a man half-way down the block running to catch a car. With drawn club he joined in the pursuit. Soapy, with disgust in his heart, drifted along, twice unsuccessful.

       On the opposite side of the street was a restaurant of no great pretensions. It catered to largeappetites and modest purses. Its crockery and atmosphere were thick; its soup and naperythin. Into this place Soapy betook himself without challenge. At a table he sat and consumed beefsteak, flapjacks, doughnuts and pie. And then he told the waiter the fact that the minutest coin and himself were total strangers.

“Now, get busy and call a cop”, said Soapy. “And don’t keep a gentleman waiting.”

“No cop for you,” said the waiter, with a voice like butter cakes and an eye like the cherry in the Manhattan cocktail. “Hey, Con!”

      Neatly upon his left ear on the callous pavement two waiters pitched Soapy. He arose, joint by joint, as a acarpenter’s rule opens, and dusted his clothes. Arrest seemed now but an elusive dream. The island seemed very far away. A policeman who stood before a drugstore two doors away laughed and walked down the street.

A1. Global Understanding                        (2)

Write whether the following statements are true or false.

  1. Soapy broke the glass og the shop window.
  2. Nobody heard the breaking of the glass window.

A2. Complex factual                                  (2)

  • Rearrange the following statements in order of their accurance in the extract.
  • The policeman refused to accept Soapy even as a clue.
  • Soapy took a stone and dashed it through the glass.
  • “Now, get busy and call a cop”, said Soapy.
  • Soapy, with disgust in his heart, drifted along, twice unsuccessful.

A3. Interpretation                                         (2)

  • The cop did not arrest Soapy for breaking the glass window because………

A4. Personal Response                                 (2)

  • Suppose you are a manager of a hotel, a poor boy has taken dinner in the hotel and then he found, he has not enough money to pay the bill. Describe how you will react in the situation.

A5. Language Study :  Do as directed          (1)

  1. Men who smash windows do not remain to chat with the police. (Make the given sentence Simple.)

A6. Vocabulary                

Find synonyms for:- 1) very hard ,  2) in a troubled or nervous manner  (1)

Section II Poetry Unit Test 2 12th HSC

Q.2.A. Read the extract and complete the activities given below:                                            (8 Marks)

No stir in the air, no stir in the sea,

The ship was as still as she could be,

Her sails from heaven received no motion,

Her keel was steady in the ocean.

Without either sign or sound of their shock

The waves flow’d over the Inchcape Rock;

So little they rose, so little they fell,

They did not move the Inchcape Bell.

The Abbot of Aberbrothok

Had placed that bell on the Inchcape Rock;

On a buoy in the storm it floated and swung,

And over the waves its warning rung.

When the Rock was hid by the surges swell,

The mariners heard the warning bell;

And then they knew the perilous Rock,

And blest the Abbot of Aberbrothok.

A1. Global Understanding                           (2)

  1. Describe the scene in the beginning of the poem.

A2. Give reasons                         (2)

1) The ship was still at sea because……….

2) The abbot of Aberbrothok had placed the bell on the Inchcape Rock so………

A3. Personal Response :-  Write two incidents/occasions on which you helped other people.      (2)

A4. Poetic device                       (1)

  • Give the rhyming pairs and rhyme scheme from stanza 2 from the extract.

A5. Poetic Creativity                (1)

  • Compose four lines of your own on the theme of Sea.

Section III Writing Skills

Q. 3 Expansion of Ideas.                                                      (3)

Expand the idea inherent in the following proverbs : ( Write any One)

  • Action speak louder than words.
  • One should eat to live, not live to eat.

Section IV Novel

Q.4 Genre Novel – “ To Sir with Love”                                            (4)

  1. Explain how the setting of the extract “ To Sir with Love” contributes to the theme of the novel. (2)
  2. Describe in brief the plot of the extract from the novel“ To Sir with Love” . (2)

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12th Class Unit Test 1 English

About the author

Sachin Raut

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