Maharashtra HSC Board Activity Sheet Format of English Subject
Dear students, you are preparing of the English subject for the HSC Board examination. First of all, you know that English is a language subject. To develop the English Language, you have to develop four language skills (LSRW) Listening, Speaking, Reading, and Writing. The Board has given a proper structure to assess your language skills by conducting an Oral Exam for 20 marks and a Written Exam for 80 marks. An oral exam has been conducted by your school level and a Written Exam will be conducted by the Board. So, for the Written Exam (80 marks) the Board has given a format of Activity Sheet.
You must know the activity sheet format of English Subject. As we know that English is compulsory subject and its mandatory to follow the activity sheet format of English Subject, distribution of marks as per the section in activity sheet, distribution of marks as per the questions in activity sheet and distribution of marks as per the objectives in activity sheet
Let’s learn how is the activity sheet and some instructions on the activity sheet. The activity sheet carries 80 Marks and these 80 Marks are divided into Five sections. These sections are as follows:
Maharashtra State Board of Secondary and Higher Secondary Education
Activity Sheet format of English Subject
Subject: English Sdt : XII Marks: 80
(Reading for Comprehension, Language Study, Summary, Mind Mapping) 16 marks
Q.1. Read the extract and complete the activities given below. 12 Marks
(Seen extract from section N0.1 consisting of 275 to 300 words)
A 1) Global Understanding – 2 marks
A 2) Complex factual – 2 marks
A 3) Inference / Interpretation / Analysis – 2 marks
A 4) Personal response – 2 marks
A 5) Language Study – 2 marks
A 6) Vocabulary – 2 marks
B) Language Study – (Non-textual Grammar) 4 marks
B 1) Do as directed. 3 marks
B 2) Spot the error. 1 mark
Q.2 A. Read the extract and completes the activities given below: 18 marks
(Unseen extract from consisting of 275 to 300 words)
A 1) Global Understanding – 2 marks
A 2) Complex factual – 2 marks
A 3) Inference / Interpretation / Analysis – 2 marks
A 4) Personal response – 2 marks
A 5) Language Study – 2 marks
A 6) Vocabulary – 2 marks
B) Summary writing – 3 marks
C) Mind mapping – 3 marks
Q. 3 A. Read the extract and complete the activities. 10 marks
(Seen extract from section N0.2 consisting of 10-15 lines)
A 1) Global Understanding – 2 marks
A 2) Inference / Interpretation / Analysis – 2 marks
A 3 Personal response – 2 marks
A 4) Poetic Device – 2 marks
A 5) Creativity (Compose 2 to 4 lines) – 2 marks
Read the extract and write as per the instruction: 4 Marks
(Seen extract from section No. 2 consisting of 10-15 lines from another poem, not asked in Q. 3 A)
Section III Writing Skills 16 Marks
Q. 4 A. Complete any one activity from the following.
1. Drafting virtual message, Statement of Purpose, Group Discussion – 4 marks
Q. 4 B. Complete any one activity from the following.
1. E-mail Writing, Report Writing, Interview – 4 marks
Q. 4 C. Complete any one activity from the following.
1. Speech Writing, Compering, Expansion of Ideas– 4 marks
Q. 4 D. Complete any one activity from the following.
1. Review Writing, Blog Writing, Appeal– 4 marks
Q. 5 A. Complete the activities given below as per the instructions. 4 marks
1. Activities on History of Novel – 2 marks
2. Activities on History of Novel – 2 marks
(Activities should be framed on MCQ/ Match the column/ Chronological order/ Fill in the blanks/True false/ Elements of Novel OR any other novel activities)
(Activities should not be repeated in sub-questions)
Q. 5 B. Answer in about 50 words to the questions given below. 4 marks
(Activities should be framed on elements such as Plot/Structure/ Setting/Theme/Language /Characters)
- Describe/Explain/Compare/Contrast/Name/Discuss. – 2 marks
- Illustrate/Interpret/ Narrate/Justify/Find/Identify – 2 marks
(Please Note: Activities in Q.5 B should be framed on textbook content No.4.2)
Q. 5 C. Answer in about 50 words to the questions given below. 4 marks
(Activities should be framed on elements such as Plot/Structure/ Setting/Theme/Language /Characters)
- Describe/Explain/Compare/Contrast/Name/Discuss. – 2 marks
- Illustrate/Interpret/ Narrate/Justify/Find/Identify. – 2 marks
(Please Note: Activities in Q.5 C should be framed on textbook content No.4.3)
Q. 5 D. Answer in about 50 words to the questions given below. 4 marks
(Activities should be framed on elements such as Plot/Structure/ Setting/Theme/Language /Characters)
- Describe/Explain/Compare/Contrast/Name/Discuss. – 2 marks
- Illustrate/Interpret/ Narrate/Justify/Find/Identify. – 2 marks
(Please Note: Activities in Q.5 D should be framed on textbook content No.4.4)
Maharashtra State Board of Secondary and Higher Secondary Education
Subject: English Sdt: XII Marks: 80
Blue Print Details for Class XII Overall Evaluation = 80 Marks
Distribution of Marks as per the Sections in the Activity Sheet
Sr. No. | Name of the Section | Marks | Marks with Options |
1. | Prose | 34 | 34 |
2. | Poetry | 14 | 14 |
3. | Writing Skills | 16 | 48 |
4. | Novel (As a Genre) | 16 | 16 |
Total | 80 | 112 |
Distribution of Marks as per the Questions in the Activity Sheet
Sr. No. | Type of the Questions | Marks | % | Marks with Options |
1. | Objective Type | 18 | 22.50 | 18 |
2. | Short Answer Type | 36 | 45.00 | 36 |
3. | Long Answer Type | 26 | 32.50 | 58 |
Total | 80 | 100% | 112 |
Distribution of Marks as per the Objectives in the Activity Sheet
Sr. No. | Name Of the Questions | Marks | % | Marks with Options |
1. | Knowledge &Understanding | 33 | 41.25 | 33 |
2. | Application | 23 | 28.75 | 23 |
3. | Skills | 11 | 13.25 | 31 |
4. | Creativity | 13 | 16.25 | 25 |
Total | 80 | 100% | 112 |

In English, a student’s reading, writing, and English grammar skills will be evaluated. The Grammar section comprises given topics.
- Tenses
- Types of sentences
- Clauses
- Change the Voice
- Reported speech
- Prepositions
- Word formation
- Infinitives
- Gerunds and Participles
- Linking words/discourse markers
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Thank you sir..🙏🏻
It’s helpful for me..
Thank you sir..🙏🏻